In the natural hair community, there’s the never-ending debate whether or not it’s better to transition or to big chop to natural hair.
When I made the decision to go natural, I asked myself just like everyone else, which option would be better for me. Would it be better for me to transition or to big chop my hair?
After giving it some thought, I decided transitioning was a better option. I came to the decision after going over several scenarios in my head.
Five months later, I feel myself nearing the point where transitioning is no longer an option, and it’s probably time for me to big chop my hair.
A lot of you are currently considering going natural (probably why you’re reading this article). And with that, you are now wondering whether it’s better for you to transition or to big chop your hair once and for all.
[ctt template=”8″ link=”1e5y9″ via=”no” ]There is no right or wrong way when it comes to going natural. The decision to transition or to big chop belongs to you and only you.[/ctt]
There is nothing wrong with wanting to transition instead of doing the big chop. And there’s nothing wrong with wanting to big chop vs. transitioning.
If you’re having a hard time deciding, to help you out, here are a few things to consider when deciding whether to transition or to big chop to natural hair.
1- Time. Do you have the time to give your hair the care it needs? Natural or relaxed, your hair requires time. But when you are in the transitioning stage, your hair will demand more of your time than if you were fully natural. So figure out how much time you can dedicate to taking care of your hair daily and the decision to transition or to big chop will be easier.
2- Patience. Transitioning to natural hair also requires patience. The first few months of transitioning are usually smooth sailing. But once you hit the three months mark of your transition, your hair becomes harder to manage. That is because you are dealing with two different hair textures: natural and relaxed. Will you have the patience to deal with your hair once it gets to that state?
3- Alternatives. If transitioning think of alternative ways to deal with your hair once you can no longer manage it. Are you open to wearing wigs or braiding your hair? Some people don’t really like wearing wigs or braiding their hair. If you fit into that category of women, grab your scissors! Transitioning might not be for you.
Although I was not a big fan of braids, I had to turn to braiding my hair once I had enough of dealing with the different textures. But, I still can’t bring myself to wear wigs.
4- Hair Health. What is the health of your hair? Are you experiencing constant breakage? If your hair is badly damaged, opting for the big chop might be a better option for you. Holding on to damaged ends will only damage your hair some more. That in return will get you frustrated.
5- Criticism from others. Whether you know it or not, the process of going natural is not only physical but mental and emotional as well. Everyone will have an opinion about how you look, especially when you suddenly come from longer hair to a TWA (teeny weeny afro). So if the opinions of others affect you, big chopping might not be for you. You might be better off transitioning instead. Read more about the judgment of others in this post.
Like I mentioned earlier, I first decided to transition instead of doing the big chop. I was used to a certain amount of hair and did not want to lose it all at once. Although I am no stranger to haircuts, I just could not picture myself with a TWA. It just wasn’t for me I decided. I also had difficulties getting my fiancé on board.
Now, after 5 months transitioning, I’ve had enough dealing with the different textures in my hair. So I’m currently counting the days to my big chop. I feel that I am finally ready to be fully natural and not have to worry about properly maintaining different hair textures. I realized that I do not have the time, nor the patience to deal with it.
At the end of the day, as I previously stated “To transition or to big chop” is a personal decision, but before you start either process, just use this list as a guide to help find out which will work best for you and your situation.
Is there anything you would like to add to this list? If so, leave your comments below ⇓
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I just realized how dry and terrible my hair has become. I live in Alaska.It is cold. I just decided this morning that I needed to buy a deep conditioner, or mask or something and start using it on the reg. Any suggestions?
I personally love the Hydration Elation deep conditioner from As I Am. It’s been good keeping my hair moisturized. You should be able get it at your local beauty store or you can get it online here: http://amzn.to/2hOhNrk. Also, make sure your wrap your hair with a satin scarf before you go to sleep. That helps as well. Let me know if you try that deep condition and how it works for you ๐
I did transitioning for a year before cutting my relaxed ends off. I would have did the big chop, but I felt like the style wouldn’t go well with my face lol. I’m so happy I did because I love my curly fro!
I love your curly fro as well! Each day that passes by, I feel like I might end up grabbing the scissors to get it over it. Did you cut your ends by yourself or did you go to salon?
I cut it myself, but I wish I’d gone to a salon. It’s not even, but I do my best to fake it lol.
I just did the same thing, and I’m considering going to a stylist now. Problem, I can’t find anyone that I feel good about around here. You sure are faking well. lol
I transitioned for a few months before deciding to do the big chop. I didn’t have the patience to properly deal with my two textures lol.
Lol Rashida! I made it to 5 months then big chopped. When I wrote this post, I was a couple of days away from big chopping.
Most people respected my decision to big chop, even if they didn’t understand it – others, not so much. At the end of the day, I didn’t have time to care for my hair through a transition, and my daughter was watching, so I just went for it. Turned out just fine ๐
On my end it’s more like most people don’t understand my decision, but I had 5 months to mentally prepare for it all.
Love those braids on you! Yes, it is your decision alone to make but whatever decision you make, I know you’ll look fabulous. Cute blog!
Thank you Emerald! I already went ahead and big chopped after transitioning for 5 months.
I did the big chop 4 years ago and my self esteem struggled. I wore big earrings and lots of make up because I didn’t feel attractive and it takes a sims getting use to but I wouldn’t change it for anything
Glad to hear from someone who had difficulties but overcame it. Thanks Tomiko!
You really have to do what is best for you. I did the big chop before it was considered a big chop, I just cut all my hair off because it was damaged. So, do you. And enjoy the new and transforming you!
Thanks Donna!
I need to to a do a big chop, my hair is different lengths and unhealthy. I’m going to get the courage to do it one day. True people are always going to have something to say about your hair,we cant please everybody
We really can’t please everyone. Like Donna said in the previous comment, you have to do you. Good luck on getting that courage. And remember, it’s just hair. It’ll grow back.
When I was going natural in 2005 I didnt know the proper term of what I was doing was called “transitioning”. I just knew I was too stubborn to cut all the perm out of my hair or I would be bald. So I would cut little by little and wear wigs! LOL now people do big chops and grow their youtube channels from it!
Some people can use the guidance Kiwi.
Great post, with great points. I myself transitioned to natural vs big chopping.
Thank you Kasi!
it depends on you. If you know your going to protective style the whole time, I say just big chop. I transitioned for over a year and it was convenient for me since I box braided it.
That is a good option for people who don’t mind the braids all the time.
I like this post. Many points factor into whether you will ease into your natural lifestyle or jump right in. You hit all the major ones. When I did the big chop, I was probably about two or three months in, and I absolutely loved my TWA. About six months later I relaxed it again. ๐ I finally big chopped again eight years ago, and I never went back to creamy crack. I love my natural hair.
Thank you Harmon! I’m glad you didn’t look back the second time around. Keep it up ๐