Welcome back ladies to our weekly edition of “Share your natural hair journey” where each week one of our lovely queens shares her journey to natural hair with us in the hopes to inspire and empower you.
You previously got introduced to Chloe, Leidy, Aneka. This week I am please to introduce to you Kerone from the blog Lumynex09. Kerone and I connected on twitter and she is very excited sharing her story with you guys.
So without further ado, here is what Kerone had to say about her natural hair journey!
1. Tell us about you. What is your name and where are you from?
Hi my name is Kerone, I was Born in Jamaica, grew up in Albany, NY. Now I reside in Atlanta, GA.
2. Are you fully natural or still transitioning?
Yes. I am completely natural.
3. What made you decide to go natural?
I decided to go natural because I no longer wanted to feel the scalp burns from the relaxers and my hair was breaking. I needed a change.
4. Did you transition or did you big chop? Why?
I transitioned because I wanted my hair to grow out some before I eventually decided to cut off the relaxed ends.
5. How long did you transition for?
I transitioned for about 2 to 3 months and then chopped it off.
6. How long have you been natural?
I have been natural since 2010.
7. What is your hair type and how would you describe your hair?
I am a 4b/4C. Kinky to tightly coiled in certain areas on my head.
8. How has being natural affected your life (both personal and professional)?
I was not confident with my own hair in the beginning. But I grew to love it by educating myself. I love and accept my hair both in the good and bad hair days. Both personally and professionally I am the same. As I get compliments about my hair, especially when styled beautifully.
9. Give us an idea of your hair care regimen.
I like to keep it simple. Usually I wash and deep condition my hair weekly, and I moisturize when needed. I sleep with a bonnet at night.
10. What are your favorite products to use?
I like to use the Cantu coconut curl cream, As I Am product line, Shea Moisture leave in conditioner. I Love the Design Essentials Natural Foam Mouse for my twist outs.
11. What is/are your favorite hairstyle(s)?
Twist outs are my favorite hairstyle.
12. Which websites/blogs do you use for inspiration and advice for your natural hair?
I usually turn to Blackhairinformation.com and naturallycurly.com when I need to find something about my natural hair.
13. Who is your favorite naturalista and why?
Jenelle B. Stewart is my favorite. I like her because she is transparent. She gives honest reviews and shares both positive and negative experiences about her natural journey.
14. What is your hair goal for the upcoming year?
My goal for the new year is to continue on the path of having healthy hair.
15. Is there any advice you’d like to give to our readers currently transitioning or
thinking about going natural?
I will like to tell you ladies that you will experience positives and negatives as you learn how to care for your natural hair. You may experience critics from the outside, because people won’t understand your “Y”. Sometimes, you may even be tempted to go back to a relaxer because it is the easy way out. The reality is no matter how hard it gets, do not give up. And keep surrounding yourself with positive natural hair influencers. Take what you need and make it your own. Last thing, be patient and you will see the results to healthy natural growing hair.
16. Awesome! Thanks for your time Kerone. Now can you tell everyone where you can be found?
Of course, I can be found on my natural hair blog Lumynex09. I am also on social media: Google+ Facebook Page, Twitter and Instagram.
Okay ladies, thanks for joining us for another edition of “Share Your Natural Hair Journey” featuring the beautiful Kerone. Remember these weekly features are designed to inspire and empower you on your journey and also give you the push you need to start your own journey if you’ve been thinking about it.
I hope Kerone’s story gave you the inspiration and the push you needed. If you found her natural hair journey inspiring, hit the share buttons to share with your family and friends. And if you’d like to be our next feature and share your own journey with our readers, follow this link for instructions.
In the meantime if you have any questions, comments for Kerone, or if you’d like to add anything, please do so below ⇓. We’d love to hear from you.
I love these weekly features. This is my first time tuning in and I can’t wait to see more. Its very inspiring to see more people embracing their natural hair, I am so glad I am apart of the natural hair community too.
I am glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for stopping by and don’t forget to check out the other ladies as well. If you would like to be featured, let me know 🙂
I love hearing other natural girls stories! Great post (:
Isaly Holland