That’s right y’all, Miss Coily Hair turned 1 this month!
I’m so excited to see this day! Can you believe this? My little blog turns 1! I didn’t think I’d see this day. 1 year blogging consistently, 40+ posts, hundreds of comments and followers and thousands of views. My little blog is growing a lot faster than I thought it would. And it’s all because of you, my darling readers.
A little history on how Miss Coily Hair started.
Around this time last year, I wasn’t working and I was bored out of my mind. I was tired of spending my days binge-watching “Law & Order SVU” or pass out on the beach. Don’t get me wrong, I love the beach. I talked about it here, but when that’s all you do, it gets boring quick.
Also, during that time I was figuring out what to do with my hair and boom! came the idea to blog about natural hair. So Miss Coily Hair was born. Once I made up my mind, I purchased the domain, hosting etc… Then I started writing.
I knew a little about setting up a blog since Miss Coily Hair isn’t my first attempt at blogging, but I had no idea how to promote it and help it grow. The first few months were rough. I was posting, but no one was reading. Views on the blog were close to non-existent and I started getting discouraged. But instead of giving up like I would normally do, this time around, I decided I was going to figure this whole blogging thing out. So I did everything I could think of to educate myself and build an audience.
Fast Forward to today, Miss Coily Hair is growing!
It is growing at a rate that I did not see coming. And it all happened when I was least expecting it. The blog now has thousands of views monthly. Even when my posting is not as consistent due to a very hectic schedule, the growth is.
I’d would not be writing this today if it wasn’t for you my readers. I am grateful for you all. I am also grateful for everyone who was kind enough to lend a helping hand along the way. Groups like Brown Blog Love and Black Girls Who Blog+ Youtube are amazing for bloggers, especially new ones. Through them, I’ve been able to gain a lot of exposure.
So, what have I learned during my first year blogging?
Like I mentioned before, Miss Coily Hair isn’t my first rodeo. But It is my first time being consistent. During this year, I learned:
- To remain consistent → Always have fresh content. Post regularly. Your audience expects new material. It’s best when you have a schedule, so your readers know when to come back (kinda like the Sunday paper).
- Not to give up → The first few months are probably the hardest (at least it was for me). It’s hard to have your blog set up beautifully, post fresh content on a regular and promote yourself just to end up with “0” view. When that happens, remember that it’s part of the process. Don’t give up, just keep working and in due time you will see the fruit of your labor.
- To educate myself → Education is key in everything you do. You need to learn everything you can about blogging. Learn everything you can about what you’re blogging about and also learn the best ways to promote yourself. Check out this Pinterest board for some useful blogging tips.
- To ask questions → When you don’t know something, don’t be afraid to reach out to a fellow blogger and ask questions. At the end of the day, the worst you can get is “no response at all”. If that happens, you just keep it moving. It’s not the end of the world. You’d be surprised though, some bloggers are very helpful and you can learn a lot from them.
- To be me → There are so many blogs talking about the same things. The only way to stand out is to be you. You need to be original. Try not to sound like everyone else. Even if you’re sharing information that has already been shared, do it your way. That is the secret to keeping your audience and gaining more following.
With that said, what is next for Miss Coily Hair?
I am definitely looking forward to another amazing year of blogging, connecting with amazing people all around the world. Unfortunately, due to my busy schedule, I can’t post as often as I would love to. For that reason, I’d love to open Miss Coily Hair to guest bloggers. So if any of you reading this would like to guest post either regularly or from time to time, please pitch your ideas to me, I’d love to feature you.
I also would love to start working with brands who offer products fitted for my audience. So if you have a product that you think my readers could benefit from, please reach out to me. I’d love to work with you.
Youtube channel maybe. I’ve always thought about starting a youtube channel, but believe it or not I am camera shy and afraid to look and sound ridiculous. We’ll see though. I’m really trying to come out of my shell, so we shall see what the future holds. Would you like to see a Miss Coily Hair Youtube channel? Let me know in the comments.
Before I end this emotional 1 year anniversary post, here a some of Miss Coily Hair’s most popular article this past year for you to check out.
- The Do’s and Don’ts For Low Porosity Hair Care.
- Natural Hair Care Regimen Approved For Low Porosity Hair.
- Best Products For Low Porosity Hair.
- Shea Moisture Low Porosity Line Review.
- Benefits Of Practicing Yoga Told By a Newbie.
- 3 Secrets to Enjoying a Low-Stress Life.
I’m so glad to have survived my first year blogging. I am grateful for you all who have been with me from the beginning and keep coming back. You’ve helped get this far by liking, commenting, and sharing. I do pray that you stick around with me on this wonderful journey!
Kisses to you all my wonderful readers! Please don’t forget to help me share this post by hitting the share buttons below! Thanks for reading always!
Until next time!
Don’t forget to check me out on my social media Instagram Facebook Pinterest Twitter
Congratulations on your one year. I love to see people not giving up and being successful.
Congrats! You have a beautiful blog with amazing content. It’s only up from here!