Miss Coily Hair Turns 1- What I Learned My First Year Blogging

That’s right y’all, Miss Coily Hair turned 1 this month! I’m so excited to see this day! Can you believe this? My little blog turns 1! I didn’t think I’d see this day. 1 year blogging consistently, 40+ posts, hundreds of comments and followers and thousands of views. My little blog is growing a lot faster than I thought it would. And it’s all because of you, my darling readers. A little history on how Miss Coily Hair started. Around… View Post

Benefits of Practicing Yoga Told By A Newbie

This is not a story about how I saw the light through yoga, or how yoga made me a saint. I just want to share with you how the practice of yoga has helped me improve my life. In one of my previous posts, I mentioned how I use yoga to help me get away from stressful situations and refocus my mind. But in case you didn’t know, practicing yoga can help you in a lot more areas of your… View Post

3 Secrets To Enjoying A Low-Stress Life

Do you ever at times feel like life throws things at you that you have no idea how to handle which ends up turning you into a stress ball? Are you the kind of person who tries to fix everything whether or not you know how? That’s usually me. I sometimes stress over everything and nothing until I feel myself going crazy. But, after many anxiety attacks that kept me up all night and caused me to break out uncontrollably, I decided enough… View Post

My Life As A Loner- Things You Can Enjoy Alone

Since I’ve embarked on a journey of self-discovery lately, I have been able to learn quite a few things about myself. Some I didn’t know and some I probably already knew, but never really paid attention to. One of these things is reconfirming the fact that I am a loner. As if all the signs were not already there, I turned to the one person that should know me best (my fiancé) to get his opinion. He had to pick between… View Post