Natural Hair Journey- 4 Months Update

Welcome back for an update on my natural hair journey. As the title suggested, I am currently 4 months natural and I am still enjoying the journey! When I took the scissors to my hair in December to get rid of my relaxed ends and start on my natural hair journey, I had no idea what I was doing. And I definitely had no idea what to expect. But here I am 4 months later and I still believe it… View Post

Natural Hair Journey- What I Learned My First Month Being Natural

Every week since I started this blog, I’ve made it my duty to share with you guys everything I know and have experienced about transitioning and natural hair. You’ve reads tips on natural hair, you got introduced to several ladies who were kind enough to share their own journey with us. You also got reviews on some of my favorite products to use on my natural hair. But, what I came to realize is that I haven’t shared much with… View Post