
Everything you need to know about taking care of your hair. Follow my hair journey as I transitioned from relaxed hair to natural hair.

Should I Big Chop or Should I Transition

15 weeks post relaxer, I have no idea what my next course of action will be. I have been thinking a lot about it lately, and I just cannot agree with myself on anything. I knew going on a hair journey would be tough, I just never thought it’d be that hard. I wonder how many of you ladies go/went through this with your hair. Please tell me some of you do. I’d hate to think that I am the only… View Post

Best Vacation Hairstyle- How To Style Your Hair for Your Next Vacation

  Great! It’s that time of the year, you are going on vacation and it’s exciting! Unfortunately, you don’t have any idea of what to do with your precious hair.  What would be the best way to style your hair while you’re away? What is the most convenient hairstyle? Is there such thing as vacation hairstyle? Questions, questions… But what is the answer? I know this feeling all too well. Finding out which hairstyle to rock when I go on vacation always gets me… View Post

My Love Hate Relationship with the Braids- Protective Style

Braids when done properly are considered great protective styles. You might ask: what is a protective style? Simply put, a protective style is a hair style that protects your hair from being over manipulated. What it means is that it keeps you from constantly having to comb through it and play with it which limits breakage. There are several types of protective style, but one of the most common types I know is braids. Ever since I started this healthy hair journey,… View Post

Is it Better to Blow Dry or Air Dry your Hair

Blow drying or air drying, which is better? You’re probably reading this because you are overwhelmed with all the confusing information available on the subject. I thought I had it all figured myself until  I started my hair journey. Growing up, I was always taught that water is bad for my hair because it makes it fragile which causes breakage. My mother always made sure that I never kept my hair wet. As soon as I was done washing my hair, or came from the beach, or… View Post

Relaxer Stretch or Natural Hair

There comes a time in our lives when we must make certain decisions: what outfit to wear for an interview, the best school for our kids, where to go for vacation etc… Some more important than others. As women, what to do with our hair is one of those important decisions. I am at a crossroad. I am currently debating whether I should end my relaxer stretch and go back to the creamy crack, or just flip the script and go natural. This, believe it… View Post